
About Me

Denver, CO, United States
I am a licensed massage therapist in Denver Colorado. I specialize in Sports, Shiatsu, Swedish, Acupressure, Structural, Cranial Sacrial Therapy and Reflexology. I also offer support to prol-therapy patients. (read my blogs about prolotherapy) I am married and have 2 dogs and my wife and volunteer with a dog rescue organization in our spare time.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What the heck is Prolotherapy?

What is Regenerative Injection Therapy (also known as Prolotherapy)?

Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection therapy that treats the cause of the pain - not just the symptom. Contrary to popular belief, most joint pain is not caused by damaged muscles. Muscles simply move joints, whereas ligaments and tendons serve to stabilize the joints. When these stabilizers are damaged, they can become loose and weak causing muscle spasms, tightness, popping or clicking, soreness or general pain. Prolotherapy strengthens and tightens weakend ligaments or tendons, thereby treating the CAUSE of the pain. No surgery, treatment or medicine can do what prolotherapy does.

How Does Regenerative Injection Therapy Work?

R.I.T works by injecting a small amount of solution at the spot where the ligament or tendon attaches to the bone. Many different proliferant solutions can be used depending on the area being treated. These solutions promote acute inflammation at the injured area to start the natural healing process. Within minutes, there is an increase in blood flow to the area. Within hours, the white blood cells arrive to the area to "clean up debris." After several days, construction cells known as fibroblasts build new ligament and tendon tissue, making the joint more stable. The fibroblasts continue to make new tissue for several weeks. Typically, depending on the severity and location of the injury, a series of 3-6 treatments (usually given 3-6 weeks apart) are needed to complete the healing process and cure the pain.
History of Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy has undergone many changes over the centuries. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used this technique in 500 BC to treat shoulder dislocations of Olympic javelin throwers and patients who had back pain. Prolotherapy made its return in 1937 with a paper written by Dr. Louis Schultz, who was both a dentist and a medical doctor. In his publicatoin, Schultz researched temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome and concluded that traditional treatments of rest, splints, physical therapy and surgery had only limited success. He pioneered the first modern day prolotherapy treatment.

In the 1940s, Dr. George Hackett conducted multiple studies and became a leading proponet for prolotherapy. Many of his studies were publised in prestigious medical journals, bringing the benefits of prolotherapy into the mainstream. In a meeting of the American Medical Assocition in 1955, Dr. Hackett met the man who would become his apprentice and the leading practitioner of modern-day prolotherapy. This man, Dr. Gustav Hemwall, treated more than 10,000 patients worldwide. Through his years of research, Dr. Hemwall would refine the technique of prolotherapy with amazing results. "More than 99% of his patients who completed treatment found long-term relief of their chronic pain."

This technique has been scrutinized by professionals in the medical field despite the numerous studies available demonstrating its restorative powers. Former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, has been an advocate of prolotherapy since successfully undergoing treatment for his back and leg pain. Click Here to Read Former Surgeon's General, C. Everett Koop's Story!

Who can benefit from Prolotherapy?

If you have back, neck, or knee pain; osteoarthritis; degenerative disc disease; tendonitis; ligament tears; or want to avoid total joint replacement, prolotherapy can help. Most chronic pain can be tracked back to ligament laxity in the body and only a well trained physician using his/her hands during an physical exam can diagose ligament laxity and the CAUSE of the pain. If you currently suffer from chronic inflammation, prolotherapy can rid your pain and heal the damaged area so your pain does not return. Chronic inflammation is harmful and is different than acute inflammation. We use the regenerative effects of acute inflammation to heal your chronic pain.

Where can I get Prolotherapy?

Dr. Jo Douglas is one of the leading prolotherapists in the coutnry. She is located in Colorado. People travel from all over to see her. I received prolo from her and my back no longer hurts after only 3 treatments. It does work. To schedule an appt. go to : or call 303-988-1825 and talk to Scott.

(the information provided here comes from the website of Colorado Osteopathic & Sports Medicine, Dr. Douglas)

Who am I and what do I do?

My name is Brian S. Tow. I am a massage therapist living in Denver Colorado. I am newly married and have 3 kids (well dogs, but they are like kids). I have created this blog so that friends and clients can see what I am about, my beliefs, background, philosophys and how I incorporate those into massage therapy. I will periodically post facts, articles, testimonial and photos that will show you what massage therapy is and how beneficial it can be in your life. Be sure to check back often and if you have any questions I can answer for you, ask away!